YAML vs YML: Understanding the Differences and Best Practices

yaml vs yml

In the expansive realm of programming and data serialization, YAML and YML are frequently conflated, causing perplexity among developers and enthusiasts. Throughout this detailed guide, we aim to thoroughly elucidate the disparities between YAML vs YML, exploring their respective applications, benefits, and recommended methodologies for implementation.

What is YAML?

YAML, an abbreviation for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language,” is a human-readable data serialization format extensively employed for configuration files and data exchange in applications. Its design emphasizes readability for both humans and machines, rendering it a favored option for a multitude of programming endeavors across different domains and industries.

Key Features of YAML:

  • Readability: YAML uses indentation and whitespace to denote structure, making it highly readable.
  • Expressiveness: It supports complex data structures like lists, dictionaries, and nested structures.
  • Language Independence: YAML is not tied to any specific programming language, making it versatile and widely applicable.
  • Extensibility: YAML supports comments, which can be useful for documentation and annotation purposes.

What is YML?

YML, an abbreviation for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language,” functions identically to YAML. The sole disparity arises in the file extension utilized to signify YAML files. While YAML commonly adopts the “.yaml” extension, YML employs “.yml” instead. This discrepancy is merely a matter of convention and does not affect functionality.

YML Usage:

  • YML files serve the same purpose as YAML files: storing configuration data, defining data structures, and facilitating data exchange.
  • Some developers prefer the “.yml” extension for YAML files, while others use “.yaml”. However, they are functionally equivalent, and the choice of extension is primarily a matter of convention and personal preference.

YAML vs YML: Is There a Difference?


The debate over YAML vs YML often sparks confusion among developers, as both terms refer to the same data serialization format. The distinction lies solely in the file extension used to represent YAML files. However, regardless of the extension chosen, the functionality and usage of YAML/YML remain identical, ensuring seamless integration across various development environments.

Best Practices:

  • Consistency: Choose one file extension (.yaml or .yml) and stick with it throughout your project to maintain consistency.
  • Clarity: Use meaningful filenames and directory structures to organize your YAML/YML files for easy navigation and understanding.
  • Version Control: Include YAML/YML files in your version control system (e.g., Git) to track changes and collaborate effectively with other developers.
  • Documentation: Provide clear documentation for your YAML/YML files, explaining the purpose, structure, and usage guidelines to facilitate easy comprehension for other team members.

YAML and YML in Practice

YAML/YML finds applications in various domains, including:

  • Software Configuration: Storing application configuration settings in YAML/YML files for easy management and deployment.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Defining infrastructure components and configurations using YAML/YML in tools like Ansible, Kubernetes, and Terraform.
  • Data Serialization: Facilitating data exchange between different systems and programming languages using YAML/YML.
  • Testing: Writing test cases and test data in YAML/YML for automated testing frameworks.


In conclusion, YAML vs YML are two terms used interchangeably to refer to the same data serialization format. While YAML is the standard extension, YML is an alternative representation, both serving the same purpose in storing configuration data, defining data structures, and facilitating data exchange. By adhering to best practices and maintaining consistency in file naming and organization, developers can harness the power of YAML/YML effectively in their projects.

For further reading on YAML vs YML, check out the following resources:

  • YAML Official Website
  • YAML Wikipedia Page


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